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Our website has recently been updated to serve you better. If you see any errors or issues, please let us know!

Note that any pre-order ETAs are only estimates. Actual lead times may be longer or shorter than expected.


HPA Conversion Kits

Low hassle, high performance. Everything you need to excel with HPA.

Premium Upgrade Parts

The best available parts, meticulously chosen by our experienced technicians.

Bulk Ammo & Gas

Needing to outfit an entire team, or just want to hoard supplies? Look no further!

New Arrivals

TAGinn Cases for MK2 Type Ammo (Pack of 12)
TAGinn TAG-ML36 Airsoft Grenade Launcher HPA Version
TAGinn TAG-ML36 Airsoft Grenade Launcher (CO2)
TAGinn Master Key Launching Projectiles (Pack of 10)
TAGinn Launcher Shell HPA
TAGinn Launcher Shell PRO EVO (CO2)
TAGinn TAG-19 Airsoft Hand Grenade (Pack of 6)
TAGinn TAG-67 Airsoft Hand Grenade (Pack of 6)
TAGinn FBG-4 Flashbang Grenade (Pack of 6)
LCT ZDL-2 Sport Handguard
LCT ZDL-1 Sport Handguard
LCT ZB-31LV Sport Upper Handguard
LCT ZB-31L Sport Upper Handguard
LCT ZB-19N Sport Upper Handguard
LCT ZB-11U Sport Handguard
LCT ZB-21L Sport Handguard
LCT ZB-10L Sport Handguard

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